Daily Buzz

Daily Buzz


All month: Catamount Prowl, fiberglass catamount sculptures by area artists on display in and around Bennington, catamountprowl.com. Watching Angels, Brattleboro, watchingangelsartshow.com. Thru Sep 22: 27th Annual Juried exhibition of quilts made exclusively in Windsor County, at Billings Farm, Woodstock, billingsfarm.org. 3-8: North Bennington Plein Air Competition, pleinair-vermont.com. 6: Gallery Walk in and around downtown Brattleboro, 5:30-8:30p, gallerywalk.org. 6: First Friday in downtown Bennington, art walk, entertainment, betterbennington.com. 7: Fall Muster and Harvest Fest Reenactment, Galusha Homestead, Shaftsbury, 10a-4p, betterbennington.com. 7-8: Discover Dorset, celebrating its art, history and vibrant community, all day, dorsetvt.com. 7-8: Sheepdog Trial & Farm Festival, Merck Forest, Manchester, all day, visitmanchestervt.com. 13-15: Bennington’s 47th Annual Car Show, all day, bennington.com. 13-15: Vermont Swing Dance Championships at Stratton Mountain, Stratton.com. 14: Car Show Cruise-In at Center Stage, Main St, Bennington, 6p, betterbennington.com. 14: Vermont Wildlife Festival at Southern Vermont Natural History Museum, all day, visitvermont.com. 14-15: Bromley Thrill Festival Weekend, bromley.com. 14-15: 20th Annual Bennington Quiltfest, all day, benningtonquiltfest.com. 14-15: Vermont Golden Honey Festival at the Golden Stage Inn, Proctorsville, yourplaceinvermont.com. 16: Third Friday Art Walk, in and around Bellows Falls, bf3f.org. 20-22: Vermont Life Wine and Harvest festival, all day, Mount Snow, West Dover, thevermontfestival.com. 20-22: Vermont Fringe Festival in downtown Brattleboro, all day, facebook.com/VermontFringeFest. 21: Readsboro Arts Festival, 10a-4p, Readsboro Central School, readsboroarts.org. 21: Plymouth Cheese & Harvest Festival, all day, President Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site, historicsites.vermont.gov. 21-22: Chester Fall Festival, 10-4p, Chester Village Green, chesterfallfestival.org. 24: 20-Mile Harvest Dinner at the Grafton Inn, featuring farms and food within a 20 mile radius of Grafton, 6:30p, reservations required, graftoninnvermont.com. 26: 8th Annual Independent Television and Film Festival at Green Mountain Vermont, Wilmington and Dover, itvfest.com. 28: 30th Peru Fair, 9a-4p, with pig roast, art, crafts, music and more, perufair.org. 28: SEVCA’s 14th Annual Flea market, Silent Auction and Raffle fundraiser, 9a, Westminster, sevca.org. 28-29: 10th Vermont Fine Furniture and Woodworking Festival, a forest to furniture festival, all day, Woodstock, vermontwoodfestival.org. 28-29: Brattleboro West Arts Open Studio Tour, 10a-5p, West Brattleboro, Brattleboro-west-arts.com. 28-29: Annual Fairy House Tour, Nature Museum at Grafton, 10a-4p, nature-museum.org.




3-6: Brattleboro Literary Festival, with more than 35 emerging and established authors giving readings, discussions and more, brattleboroliteraryfestival.org. 4: Gallery Walk in and around downtown Brattleboro, 5:30-8:30p, gallerywalk.org. 4: First Friday in downtown Bennington, art walk, entertainment, betterbennington.com. 4-5: Okemo Antiques Show, at the Base Lodge of Okemo Mountain, cleggantiques.com. 4-6: Manchester Fall Art and Craft Festival, all day, the practice tee at Riley Rink, Manchester, craftproducers.com. 4-6: 54th Annual Weston Antiques Show, all day, westonantiquesshow.org. 5-6: Vermont Open Studio Weekend, statewide, all day, vermontcrafts.com. 5-6: Pumpkin and Apple Celebration at Billings Farm, Woodstock, billingsfarm.org. 10: Curtains without Borders, tour of historic stage scenery, Brattleboro, visitvermont.com. 11-13: 30th Annual Weston Crafts Show, all day, Weston, westoncraftshow.com. 12: 23rd Annual Chili Cook-Off, 11-2p, Depot St., Ludlow, yourplaceinvermont.com. 12: Pumpkin Carving Festival at Equinox Valley Nursery, Manchester, manchestervermont.net. 12: 30th Vermont Apple Festival, 9a-5p, Riverside Middle School, springfieldvt.com. 12: Oktoberfest in Bennington, all day, benington.com.

12-13: River Valley Artisan Tour, all day, start at Westmoreland Town Hall, rivervalleyartisans.com. 12-13: 40th annual Harvest Arts and Crafts show, local artisans, specialty foods, more, all day, Mount Snow, West Dover, mountsnow.com. 12-13: Oktoberfest celebration, with events for both adults and children, all day, Mount Snow, West Dover, mountsnow.com. 12-13: 43rd annual Newfane Heritage Festival, all day, at the Common in the Village of Newfane, newfaneheritagefestival.blogspot.com. 12-13: Harpoon Octoberfest, at Harpoon Brewery in Windsor, harpoonbrewery.com. 12-13: Art in the Park, 10a-5p, Main St., Rutland, chaffeeartcenter.org. 12-13: Columbus Day Harvest Festival and Brewfest, chili cookoff, at Stratton Mountain, all day, stratton.com. 12-13: Harvest Weekend at Billings Farm, Woodstock, billingsfarm.org. 12-13: Honora Winery’s 5th Annual Grape Stomp and Harvest Festival, West Halifax, honoragrapestomp.com. 12-13: Mt. Holly Cider Days, on the green in Belmont, yourplaceinvermont.com. 12-14: Big Buzz Chainsaw Carving Festival, all day, Chester, 508 965-3211. 12-14: Paradise City Arts Festival at 3 County Fairgrounds in Northampton, Mass., all day, paradisecityarts.com. 13: Dummerston Apple Pie Festival, including apples, cider and donuts, pancake breakfast and apple pies, 7a-4p, 802-254-9158. 13: Heirloom Apple Tasting Day at Scott Farm, Dummerston, scottfarmermont.com. 15: Chocolate Festival and Silent Auction, Holiday Inn, Rutland, 6-9p, gbgm-umc.org/rutland. 19: 7th Annual Pumpkin Carving Festival, Manchester, all day, vtpumpkin.com. 18: Third Friday Art Walk, in and around Bellows Falls, bf3f.org. 18-20: Keene Pumpkin Festival, on Main Street, Keene, NH, pumpkinfestival.org. 19: Deerfield Valley Quilt Show at Memorial Hall in Wilmington, visitvermont.com. 22: 27th Annual Quilt Exhibition of quilts made exclusively in Windsor County, events all day, Woodstock, billingsfarm.org. 25-27: 6th Annual Lego Contest & Exhibit, Brattleboro Museum & Art Center, brattleboromuseum.org. 26: 2013 Vermont Arts Summit, focusing on how the arts impact life in Vermont, Vermont State House, Montpelier, vermontartscouncil.org. 26: 11th Annual Guilford Turnip Festival, at Wardsboro Town Hall, friendsofwardsborolibrary.org. 26: Fallapalooza festival, downtown Bennington, all day, betterbennington.com. 29: 29th Annual Townshend Pumpkin Festival, on the Common, Townshend, townshendvermont.org.




1: Gallery Walk in and around downtown Brattleboro, 5:30-8:30p, gallerywalk.org. 1-14: Brattleboro Film Festival, Latchis Theater, brattleborofilmfestival.org. 11: Veteran’s Day parade in downtown Bennington, 11a, betterbennington.com. 14: Angels, Beasts, Shepherds & Kings, with RGS faculty, staff and board. 15: Third Friday Art Walk, in and around Bellows Falls, bf3f.org. 22-23: Studio Open House at Carol Schnabel’s Studio, 410 Green River Road, Guilford, 802 257-1894. 24-Dec 30: Hometown Holiday festivities in down town Bennington, betterbennington.com. 29-Dec 1: Thanksgiving Weekend, traditional feast, 10a-3:30p, Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, billingsfarm.org. 29-Dec 1: 35th Anniversary Putney Craft Tour, with 26 prominent Vermont artists, 10-5p, Putney, putneycrafts.com.. 29-Dec 1: 11th Annual Walpole Artisans Tour, in the Bellows Falls and Walpole, NH, area, walpoleartisans.org. 29-Jan 1, 2014: Manchester Merriment, festivities in the Manchester area, with tree lighting Nov 30 at 4p, visitmanchestervt.com. 29-30: 33rd Annual Weston Holiday Bazaar, at the Weston Playhouse, yourplaceinvermont.com. 29: Christmas Craft Fair, with 54 vendors, Black River High School, Ludlow, yourplaceinvermont.com. 30: Our Hometown Holiday in downtown Bennington, including Festival of Trees kick-off, 12p, betterbennington.com.




All month: Festival of Trees “Around the World” in downtown Bennington, visitvermont.com. 6: Gallery Walk in and around downtown Brattleboro, 5:30-8:30p, gallerywalk.org. 7: An Old Fashioned Christmas in Weston, 11a-5p, locations around Weston Village, westonvt.com. 7: Festival of Lights at Jackson Gore Inn, Ludlow, yourplaceinvermont.com.7-8: Cotton Mill Open Studio and Holiday Sale, all day, Brattleboro, thecottonmill.org 7-8: Cherry Street Artisans Holiday Craft Sale, 9a-9p Sat, 11a-4p Sun, Brattleboro, 802 254-3530. 7-14: Overture to Christmas, 28th Annual, all day, Chester Village, yourplaceinvermont.com. 13: A Community Christmas Celebration, Ludlow Town Hall Auditorium, yourplaceinvermont.com. 13-15: Wassail Weekend, holiday festivities, 8a-5p, Billings Farm & Museum, billingsfarm.org. 14-15 & 21-22: Readsboro Glassworks Holiday Open Studio and Sale, Main Street in Readsboro, maryangusglass.com. 14: Community Christmas Celebration, 7-9p, Ludlow Town Hall, yourplaceinvermont.com. 14: Christmas in Mount Holly, 4p, Mount Holly Community Center, Belmont, yourplaceinvermont.com. 15: Coolidge Holiday Open House, 10a-4p, President Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site, Plymouth, yourplaceinvermont.com. 20: Third Friday Art Walk, in and around Bellows Falls, bf3f.org. 21-22: Manchester Center Elf Express Train Ride, enchanting journey through the Green Mountains, manchesterlionselftrain.com. 31: Last Night activities, all day, Brattleboro, brattleborochamber.com. 31: Festival of Trees and Gala in downtown Bennington, bennington.com. 31: Okemo’s Family New Year’s Eve, at Jackson Gore Inn, Ludlow, okemo.com. 31: New Year’s Eve at Star Lake, at Star Lake in Belmont, yourplaceinvermont.com.

Author: prime@svcable.net

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