Visitors to the Route 7 Collection will find a cooperative venture by a group of friends who want to share their art with one another and the community.
The gallery features new paintings by Mary Hill (, metalwork by Payne Junker and Elise Alenick Junker (, furniture by Joseph A. Bedard (, wire tree sculptures by Randy Adams (, quilts by Carolyn Van Tassel, and collage by Nancy Ferraro, with other artists participating monthly. The shop also offers a selection of vintage craft pieces, wearable art, garden art, and several collections of handmade jewelry.
The Route 7 Collection, 148 Main St. (Route 7A) Manchester, VT 05254 (just past the Weathervane Motel), is open Saturdays 10 a.m. to 5 pm, Friday afternoons, and Sundays by chance. For more information, contact Payne and Elise Junker at or 802-875-3986.