Green thumbs in the Green Mountains

The Bunker Farm

857 Bunker Road, Dummerston,

The Bunker Farm is a family run Vermont farm, which produces naturally raised meats, annuals, perennials, and award-winning maple syrup. It is also an agricultural educational center for students and the community and an emerging event space and offers a CSA. It’s becoming the source for rare and unusual seedlings with folks coming from near and far to purchase hand-raised annuals and perennials.

Walker Farm

1190 US Route 5, East Dummerston

Display gardens and the scenic views of the Connecticut River valley provide a splendid backdrop for educational opportunities at the Walker Farm. Check the website for information on classes such as “Fruit Trees: Selecting, Growing and Pruning Varieties for a Home Orchard,” “Raspberries, Blueberries and Strawberries: Creating and Maintaining the Berry Patch of Your Dreams,” and “Pots in the Garden: Designing, Planting and Placing Seasonal Containers in the Garden.”

Boyd Family Farm

125 East Dover Road, Wilmington, 802 464-5618

The Boyd Family Farm is in the Deerfield Valley, just minutes from Wilmington Center. In the summer you can come pick you own flowers and blueberries and find an extensive array of perennials and annuals.

Spring in Vermont: Painting the Garden from Life with Kathy Anderson

At Village Arts of Putney, 114 Westminster Road, Putney, 802 246-7742

June 20: Kathy Anderson gives brief demos on composing and blocking-in a strong design, which can be confusing when painting from life in the garden. Emphasis is on keeping flowers transparent and delicate and massing in leaves without too much detail. You’ll keep your painting true to the feeling of a natural garden while maintaining movement throughout.

The gardens of Gordon and Mary Hayward: one of several stops on the annual Gardens of Westminster tour.

The Gardens of Westminster


June 30–July 1, 10a to 3p: Featuring the gardens of Gordon and Mary Hayward, Julie Moir Messervy, Lonnie and Obe Lisai, and art-in-garden by Joshua Gold Pottery in Westminster West. Also featuring a before and after rain garden walking tour with Cyndy Fine of Genius Loci, “New Landscaping Ideas that Work” by Julie Moir Messervy, and a private tour of the Hayward gardens with Gordon and Mary. For more information and tickets, visit us online.

The site of the Hospice Summer Soirée.

Summer Soirée: Garden Party for Hospice

In the gardens of Cyndy Fine at Genius Loci, Ecological Landscape Design

3293 Route 5, Westminster Village, 802 257-0775 ext. 109

June 22, Admission is $30, or $50 at the door (or for two attending together and ordering in advance).

There’s nothing like a summer garden party rich in fauna, natural elements, delicious food, bright florals, and a healthy dose of grass underfoot. This June, enjoy one of the region’s most spectacular summer gardens in full bloom as Renaissance and Baroque musicians Laurie Rabut, Lucy McLellan, and Chris Rua fill the gardens with lyrical English country dance tunes and waltzes played on Baroque violin, viols, and recorders. The event, running 4:30 to 7:30p, supports Brattleboro Area Hospice, the community-based, non-profit organization that addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of dying neighbors and their families. Light refreshments will be served.

BAH provides non-medical assistance to the terminally ill and their loved ones, bereavement services to hospice families as well as the general public, and is a community resource on the issues of death, dying, and grieving. All services are free to anyone living in Southeastern Vermont or bordering New Hampshire towns.

For more information about the Summer Soirée, or if you have questions about access to the gardens, call Andrea Livermore, director of Development and Community Outreach at 802 257-0775 ext. 109.


Did you know: Passion for gardening has reached an all-time high and has a younger face. According to a new national survey by Garden Research (, more American households are gardening than ever before (77 percent), and increasingly the gardener is a young man. Those under 35 are really into it. Overall, American gardeners reported spending a record $47.8 billion on lawn and garden retail sales (the highest ever) with a record average household spend of $503—up nearly $100 over the previous year. Whatever your demographic, it’s time to get back into the garden. Here are some upcoming garden events in the area you might enjoy! And for those looking for a new garden book, see Julie Moir Messervy’s latest, “Landscape Ideas that Work” (2014, Taunton Press).

Author: posted by Martin Langeveld

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